What we need to have at all times. You work so hard during training to perfect your skill. Work on the fine details of your game that allow you to progress. Competitive players at all levels enjoy the feeling that success brings. It is an addicting feeling that you hate to be away from. When making simple mistakes there are numerous reason why things do not go as planned after preparing properly. Trust is one of the main reason and is part of the mental side of the game that players do not always during tough times.
When you start to trust your ability as a player you start to perform differently. Hitting passes in matches that you have been working on for months in training. It allows you to play in such a manner that you are comfortable in any situation.
What I hate seeing is talented players who have great training habits start to make mistake, after mistake, after mistake, during matches. You watch them during certain situations on the field and can feel the doubt pouring out of them. As coaches it is our time to step in to put that trust back into their game. Bring them back to the levels that they are more than capable of playing at. This isn't a time to put players down, but a situation where we can help them change their mentality. You are going to have multiple performances that are poor. Even after multiple attempts from others to bring you up you still may be unable to get out of your own head.
This is when you dig deep and remember the little victories and battles that you have had in the past. Using those moments to refuel the level of trust that you have for yourself. You may be subbed out during your time of struggle, but understand that when you are reintroduced back into the match that you better be ready.
Trust yourself. Trust your teammates. Trust your love for the game.